Code: LT2219

Size: 10 x 19 x 2cm Description: M30791 black long suit clip Wallet series BRAZZA wallet This Brazza wallet has the rich texture of Ta?ga leather, and the traditional V-shaped logo of L*oui*s V*uitto*n is described with inlaid fine work. There are multiple card slots and compartments in the ample space to accommodate daily needs. (With picture packing box),

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219

Code: LT2219


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